Pages in category "Wikis"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 671 total.
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- D-Day: What Factors Were Considered When Planning Operation Overlord
- Did Christianity Positively Impact the Civil Rights Movement
- Did Egyptian President Gamal Nasser Protect the Copts
- Did Midas Really Have the Golden Touch
- Did multi-cultural societies become widely accepted in ancient history
- Did the Ancient Egyptians’ Gods and Goddesses Have Personalities
- Did the Battle of Fredericksburg Change the Identities of Irish Soldiers
- Did the Biblical Exodus Actually Happen
- Did the Carthaginians Really Practice Human Child Sacrifice
- Did the Congress of Berlin create a more unstable Europe
- Did the Sack of Rome in 1527 end the Renaissance in Italy
- Did the Trojan War really happen
- Did Theodore Roosevelt really save Football
- Did Woodrow Wilson state that the film The Birth of Nation was "like writing history with lightning'
- Hollywood and Communism: How Did ''The Treasure of the Sierra Madre'' Support Marxist Ideology
- How accurate is Stanley Kubrick's 'Spartacus'
- How accurate is the movie J. Edgar
- How accurate is the movie Patton
- How Accurate is the Movie Peterloo
- How accurate is the movie The Aviator
- How accurate is the movie The Favourite
- How did "Stonewall" Jackson die
- How did Akhenaten Radically Change Egyptian Religion and Culture
- How did Alaska become a State
- How Did Alexander the Great Die
- How did American Filibusterers try to acquire territory for the United States in Latin America
- How did American football develop
- How did ancient Professional Armies develop
- How Did Ancient Societies Adapt to Dairy Consumption
- How did Aristotle fundamentally change philosophy and science
- How Did Art Propagate Slavery in 19th Century America
- How Did Artificial Intelligence Develop
- How Did Astronomy Fundamentally Change Human History
- How did Athens become the leading Greek city-state
- How did bath houses become popular
- How Did Black Friday Develop
- How Did Black Pepper Spread in Popularity
- How did Boccaccio influence the Renaissance
- How did Brunelleschi influence the Italian Renaissance
- How did Caesar's conquest of Gaul change both Rome and Gaul
- How did Cardinal Richelieu change France
- How did Cato the Elder alter the course Roman history
- How Did Charlemagne's Economic Ideas Save Europe
- How did Charles Mahan's "The Influence of Sea Power" shape American Foreign Policy
- How Did Chocolate Become Popular
- How did Christian Church Architecture evolve in the West
- How Did Christmas Trees Become Christmas Symbols
- How Did Cleopatra Die
- How did climate change influence ancient Chinese societies?
- How did climate change influence the rise and collapse of the ancient Maya
- How did climate change influence the rise of ancient Egypt
- How did Comedy develop overtime
- How Did Croesus Become the Wealthiest Man in the Ancient World
- How did cycling become popular
- How did Dante influence the Renaissance
- How did Early Empires facilitate the Rise of Investment Banking
- How Did Early Judicial Systems Evolve
- How Did Early Mathematics Evolve
- How Did Easter Become an Important Celebration
- How did Edwin Drake create the World's first oil well
- How did Emperor Septimius Severus change the Roman Empire
- How Did Enlightenment Ideas Influence Modern Economics
- How did Europe pay off their debts to the United States after World War I
- How did Father's Day develop
- How Did Finland Survive the Winter War of 1939-1940
- How Did Firefighting Develop
- How did Florida become a State
- How Did Gladiatorial Games Evolve in Ancient Rome
- How Did Globalism Begin during the Bronze Age
- How Did God Influence the Wounded in the American Civil War
- How Did Gold Become Desired by Ancient Civilizations
- How Did Government Propaganda Develop
- How did governments develop the idea of Prime Minister
- How did Great Britain win the French Indian War (Seven Years War)
- How did Hawaii become a US State
- How did higher education develop in the United States
- How Did Historiography Evolve in the Hellenic World
- How did Hitler become the Dictator and Fuhrer of Germany
- How Did Honey Evolve in our Diet
- How Did Hospitals Emerge
- How did hot dogs develop into a popular food
- How did hunting become a symbol of the aristocracy/royalty
- How did hunting become a symbol of the royalty
- How did illegal abortions spur the push for medical licensing in the 19th Century
- How did Joseph Stalin react to the German invasion during WWII
- How did Julius Caesar rise to power
- How did kitchens develop
- How did Leonardo Da Vinci influence the Renaissance
- How Did Lullabies Develop
- How Did Lysimachus Impact the Hellenistic World
- How did Manufactured Glass Develop in the Bronze Age
- How did Medicine develop in the Ancient World
- How did modern boxing emerge
- How Did Modern Monetary Theory Develop
- How did Monotheism Develop
- How did Mother's Day develop
- How did Mussolini Rise to Power as the Dictator of Italy
- How did Navigation Develop in the Ancient World
- How did Oklahoma become a State
- How did Oregon pass Medical Licensing Laws in the 19th Century
- How Did Pergamon Become a Great City
- How did Petrarch influence the Renaissance
- How did Phillip II of Macedon change Ancient Greek history
- How Did Popcorn Become Popular
- How Did Ptolemy II Revitalize Ancient Egypt
- How Did Public Aquariums Develop
- How did Richard Nixon normalize diplomatic relations with China in 1972
- How did Rome benefit from the destruction of Carthage in 146 BC
- How Did Saint Valentine's Day Develop
- How Did Sargon of Akkad Influence Ancient Mesopotamian History
- How Did Slavery Develop
- How Did Southern Belles Help Dispel Their Own Stereotype
- How Did Spy Services Develop in France
- How Did Spy Services Develop in Russia
- How Did St. Clair’s Defeat Happen
- How did the 'Malaise' Period of Struggle in the 1970s Occur in the United States
- How Did the 1967 War Shape the Middle East
- How did the Allies try war criminals in Germany and Japan after World War II
- How Did the Ancient City of Nineveh Fall
- How Did the Ancient Egyptian City of Thebes Become Prominent
- How Did the Ancient Egyptian State Form
- How Did the Athenians Win the Battle of Marathon
- How Did the Battle of Culloden Change British and American History
- How did the battle of Manzikert (1071) change the Byzantine Empire
- How Did the Battle of South Mountain Alter the Course of the American Civil War
- How Did the Bed Develop as Household Furniture
- How did the Boxer Rebellion unite Imperial Powers and create Chinese Nationalism
- How did the Bubonic Plague make the Italian Renaissance possible
- How did the Burlingame-Seward Treaty of 1868 change the relationship between China and the United States
- How did the Byzantine Empire influence Russia
- How did the Citizen Genet Affair derail relations between the United States and France
- How did the Civil Rights Movement Begin
- How did the Colosseum get its name
- How did the concept of paradise develop
- How Did the Creation of Paper Money during the Song Dynasty Impact China
- How Did the Cumans Influence the Fourth Crusade
- How did the de Medici contribute to the Renaissance
- How did the defeat of the Spanish Armada (1588) change England
- How Did the Elamites Become a Powerful Bronze Age People
- How did the Emperor Trajan change the Roman Empire
- How did the Enlightenment Philosophers View Race
- How did the Etruscans shape Roman history and society
- How did the Fall of Constantinople change the Renaissance in Italy
- How did the French defeat at Dien Bien Phu change the diplomatic approach of the United States to Vietnam
- How did the game of golf emerge
- How Did the God Baal Become Popular
- How Did the Great Depression and the Vietnam War Help Shape the Hollywood Western?
- How did the Great Depression change American Foreign Policy
- How did the hamburger develop into a popular food
- How Did the Hittites Influence the Late Bronze Age Near East
- How Did the Hyksos Conquer the Egyptian Delta
- How did the Ionian Revolt (499-493 BC) change the Ancient World
- How did the Kennedy Administration avoid war with the Soviet Union during the Cuban Missile Crisis
- How did the Kennedy Administration respond to the Laos Crisis between 1960-1963
- How Did the Libyans Impact Ancient Egypt
- How did the marathon emerge
- How Did the Mauryan Dynasty Come to Power
- How Did the Merovingian Dynasty Impact European History
- How did the modern tennis emerge
- How Did the Mongol Invasions Affect Global History
- How Did the Mongol Invasions Change Population Genetics
- How did the Napoleonic Wars in Europe cause the War of 1812
- How did the North prevent the Diplomatic Recognition of the South during the Civil War
- How Did the Nubians Impact Ancient Egypt
- How Did the Nullification Crisis of 1832-1833 Impact American History
- How Did the Ottoman Empire Become the Third Great Islamic Caliphate
- How did the Peace of Augsburg (1555) lead to the Thirty Years War (1618-1648)
- How did the Phoenicians contribute to western civilization
- How Did the Plague of Justinian Change History
- How did the Reagan Administration react to the Falklands War
- How did the Reformation change Christianity
- How did the Renaissance influence the Reformation
- How Did the Romans Conquer the Etruscans
- How Did the Scythians Influence the Achaemenid Empire
- How did the Second Arab Siege of Constantinople 717-718, change world history
- How did the Second Great Awakening change the United States
- How Did the Seleucid Empire Collapse
- How did the Sepoy Rebellion (Indian Mutiny) change India
- How did the Sharia Law develop
- How did the Silk Road develop
- How did the Spanish American War of 1898 turn the United States into a Pacific Power
- How did the telegraph change American Diplomacy in the 19th Century
- How Did the Term “Pyrrhic Victory” Originate
- How did the Throne Develop as a Royal Symbol
- How did the Treaty of Paris of 1783 end the American Revolution
- How did the United States acquire Florida
- How did the United States and Great Britain eliminate their dueling navies on the Great Lakes and establish their borders in 1818
- How did the United States and USSR react to the Francis Gary Powers U2 incident
- How did the United States end the Vietnam War
- How did the United States Escalate the Vietnam War
- How did the United States open Japan to trade in 1853
- How did the United States react to France's takeover of Mexico during the Civil War
- How did the United States react to the 1967 Arab-Israeli War
- How did the United States react to the Arab-Israeli War of 1973