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What were the causes of the Second Punic War

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Hannibal was a member of the powerful Barca clan, one of the most influential in Carthage. His father Hamilcar, had valiantly fought the Romans in Sicily and was widely regarded as a great commander. He wanted to restore the Carthaginian Empire and to make it strong again so that it could defend itself against Roman aggression. Hamilcar decided to expand the territory of Carthage in Spain. The North Africans had a small foothold in Spain and Hamilcar organized an expedition to the area. He was accompanied by his Hannibal who was only nine years old. Hamilcar was a brilliant leader and strategist and he soon began to conquer extensive territories in Spain. He cleverly entered into alliances with some of the local tribes and exploited the internal divisions of others.
Hamilcar’s army was composed mainly of mercenaries, from Spain and North Africa, who were personally loyal to him. This allowed him to create a great Carthaginian Empire in the south and center of Spain, he also controlled much of Portugal. This was viewed with alarm in Rome and they were troubled by the revival of the Carthaginians power. Hamilcar drowned while crossing a river during a battle and his command was given to his son-in-law the Fair. He continued the strategy of Hamilcar and continued to expand the Punic presence in Iberia <ref> Hoyos, Dexter. Hannibal's dynasty power and politics in the western Mediterranean, 247-183 BC. (London: Routledge, 2003), p 45 </ref>. In 221 BCE Hasdrubal was assassinated by a local tribesman, many believe at the instigation of the Romans. This is even though he had signed a treaty with Rome that allowed the Carthaginians influence south of the Ebro River and Rome assigned a ‘sphere of influence’ north of that river. The army acclaimed Hannibal and he became its commander at the age of 26. Hannibal sought to consolidate the power of the Carthaginians in Iberia and he stormed several important fortresses. He faced a coalition of rebellious Spanish tribes but Hannibal defeated them at the Battle of the River Tagus .<ref> Hoyos, p. 113</ref>.
===Celtic and Carthaginian Alliance===

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