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What if the Black Death Never Occurred

829 bytes added, 21:21, 5 May 2017
Created page with "The Black Death was a wide pandemic event that occurred from 1346–1353 in the Old World, affecting primarily Asia and Europe. It is estimated to have killed more than 30% of..."
The Black Death was a wide pandemic event that occurred from 1346–1353 in the Old World, affecting primarily Asia and Europe. It is estimated to have killed more than 30% of Europe's population, while also having a devastating impact on Asian cultures. It is one of the most devastating pandemics in human history and fundamentally changed the course of human events due to the high death rates in many countries and regions. It also remained in societies, reoccurring frequently between the 14-20th centuries in different regions, as the plague never completely died. The effects of the Black Death are still felt today, as places had to evolve to much lower populations.

==The World Before the Black Death==

==Different Impacts of the Black Death==

==Possible Scenarios Alternative Scenarios==



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