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How did the Versailles Treaty lead to World War Two

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{{mediawiki[[File:banner1}}LLoyd's_News_Placard_announcing_Versailles_signing.jpg|thumbnail|250px|left|Lloyd's News reporting the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919.]]__NOTOC__The delegates that crafted guns fell silent on the treaty that ended eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the First World War believed that they had brought eleventh month of 1918. Over four years of incredible destruction came to a lasting peace to Europesilent end. President Wilson believed that For the war belligerent Central and Allied Powers, the armistice brought uncertainty. The Kaiser had made much just been overthrown, and a new alliance of the world safe for democracy to spreadLiberals and Socialists announced a democratic regime at Weimar, Germany. The other Central Powers had collapsed in disarray and revolution. HoweverRussia, conflicting goalsout of the war in early 1918, was in the harsh terms midst of a deepening Civil War. Many of the treaty Allies were exhausted and Germany’s response to those terms would to the most destructive conflict in world history - World War Twodrained.
==Introduction==The delegates that crafted the treaty that ended the First World War believed that they had brought lasting peace to Europe. President Wilson felt that the war had made much of the world safe for democracy to spread. However, conflicting goals, the harsh terms of the treaty, and Germany’s response to those terms would lead to the most destructive conflict in world history - World War Two.
The guns fell silent on == What were the eleventh hour goals of the eleventh day Allies after World War I? ==[[File:Versailles_1919.jpg|thumbnail|250px|left|Georges Clemenceau and Woodrow Wilson at the Formal Signing of the eleventh month of 1918Treaty. Over four years ]]The delegates of incredible destruction came the victorious powers met in Paris to a silent enddiscuss the terms of the peace, followed by the treaty's signing at the former French royal palace of Versailles. For Led by the belligerent Central and Allied Powers "Big Four," the armistice brought tremendous uncertaintyU.S. The Kaiser had just been overthrown , France, Italy, and a new alliance of Liberals and Socialists announced a democratic regime at WeimarGreat Britain. The other Central Powers Each had collapsed in disarray its own goals and revolutionvulnerabilities. RussiaWhile the U.S. President Wilson adhered to an idealistic view of collective responsibility and ethnic self-determination, out of the war in early 1918 France was driven largely by one thing: revenge. France sought to avenge its humiliating loss almost fifty years earlier in the midst of Franco-Prussian War that resulted in a deepening Civil War. Many of the Allies were exhausted and drainedunited Germany.
This idea of revanchism had consumed generations of French policy, and a clear opportunity finally presented itself. France demanded terms that would have completely de-industrialized and demilitarized Germany. The French floated proposals that included breaking up Germany proper and creating a client state in the industrial Rhineland. France demanded harsh reparations for the damage done to its country and Belgium during the conflict. Ultimately, Germany was forced to pay $31 billion in reparations under the treaty. <ref>Roekmeke, Feldman, and Glaser, Editors. <i>[ The Treaty of Versailles: A Reassessment after 75 Years]</i>, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Page 90.</ref>
The delegates == How did France dominant the treaty conference after World War I? ==Each of the victorious powers met in Paris to discuss represented at the terms treaty conference came out with some disappointments. The British goal of the peace, followed stability was largely subverted by the treatyrevolutions across Europe and France's demand to increase Germany's signing at the former French royal palace of Versaillespunishment. Led by the "Big Four," Italy did not receive territory promised in secret deliberations during the Uwar.S., The largest shortfalls appeared for France, Italy, and Great Britain. Each had their own goals and vulnerabilities. While the U.S. President Wilson adhered to an idealistic view of collective responsibility and ethnic self-determination, France was driven largely by one thing: revenge. France sought to avenge its humiliating loss almost fifty years earlier in the Franco-Prussian War that resulted in a united GermanyUnited States. 
Generations President Wilson's lofty goals of French policy had been consumed by this idea of revanchism and a clear opportunity finally presented itselfinternationalism fell asunder in the postwar reality. France demanded terms that would have completely de-industrialized The emerging League of Nations lacked the teeth needed to prevent aggressive power from emerging and demilitarized Germanydestroying the fragile peace. The French floated proposals that included breaking up Germany proper and Rather than creating a client state in series of independent democracies across Eastern Europe and the industrial RhinelandMiddle East, conflict raged for years, leading to opportunities for Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Russia. France demanded harsh reparations for Furthermore, the United States never signed the damage done to its country Treaty of Versailles and Belgium during joined the conflictLeague. The U.S. This would materialize in over $31 billion in reparations Germany was forced to pay in Senate never ratified the treaty termsTreaty, destroying Wilson's grand vision. <ref>Roekmeke, FeldmanGraebner, Norman and GlaserBennett, EditorsEdward. <i>[ ''com/gp/product/1107647487/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=1107647487&linkCode=as2&tag=dailyh0c-20&linkId=c74d9defaf3a45523aa17dfc019a9d1c The Versailles Treaty and Its Legacy: The Failure of Versailles: A Reassessment after 75 Years''the Wilsonian Vision]</i>, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Page 902011.Pages 86-87)</ref>
==Shortfalls==However, it was France that had the most significant impact. France's constant desire for revenge alienated its allies and sparked radical political movements in Germany. The French understood that Germany was utterly drained by the war, losing almost half of its youngest adult male generation. Paris developed a decidedly defensive posture, seeking various ways to box in and humiliate Germany. France created alliances with many of the new Eastern European states, none of which would adequately function. France also produced a long line of defenses along the new Franco-German border. This Maginot Line proved to be less than up to the task in 1940, despite the substantial effort and investment.
Each == How did Germany React to the Treaty of Versailles? ==[[File:Mass_demonstration_in_front_of_the_Reichstag_against_the_Treaty_of_Versailles.jpg|thumbnail|left||300px|Mass Demonstration against the powers represented Treaty of Versailles at the treaty conference came out with some disappointmentsReichstag in 1919.]] Naturally, to say the leastGermany was less than thrilled about their situation. The British goal of stability By November 1918, nary a square mile was largely subverted by revolutions across Europe under Allied occupation, and Francethe Kaiser's demand troops still occupied a substantial part of Belgium. German propaganda had been announcing for increasing punishment for Germanymonths that their soldiers were very close to victory through much of 1918. And in many ways, they had been. The shock of defeat, coupled with the harsh terms proposed, carved an indelible mark in the German psyche. Italy did not receive territory promised This unexpected defeat led to the famous "stab in secret deliberations during the warback" theory utilized by Hitler. The largest shortfalls appeared for France sight of American, British, French, and Belgian occupying the Rhineland pierced the brief calm after the United Statesfighting ended.
President Wilson's lofty goals of internationalism fell asunder in the postwar reality. The emerging League of Nations lacked the teeth needed to actually prevent an aggressive power from emerging and destroying the fragile peace. Rather than creating a series of independent democracies across Eastern Europe and the Middle East, conflict raged for years, leading to opportunities for Nazi Germany and Stalin's Russia. Furthermore, the United States never signed the Treaty of Versailles and joined the League. The U.S. Senate never ratified the Treaty, destroying Wilson's grand vision. <ref>Graebner, Norman and Bennett, Edward. ''The Versailles Treaty and Its Legacy: The Failure of the Wilsonian Vision'', (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011. Pages 86dh-87)<ad/ref>
Furthermore, Germany's acceptance of Article 231, commonly referred to as the War Guilt Clause, it was France that had for many the largest impactfinal straw. France's incessant desire for revenge alienated its allies and sparked radical political movements in Germany. The French understood that had to accept the country was completely drained by full responsibility for the war, losing almost half including the actions of its youngest adult male generationallies. Paris developed This came at a decidedly defensive postureheavy price. Across its territory, seeking various ways to box in and humiliate portions were carved off or plebiscites prepared. Germanylost all of its overseas colonies. France created alliances with many of gained Alsace-Lorraine, and its resources and industry were lost in the new Eastern European states, none of which would adequately functionFranco-Prussian War. France also created a long line of defenses along occupied the new Franco-German borderSaarland, also rich in coal. This Maginot Line proved Votes were held in other regions, with Denmark regaining territory lost to be less than up Prussia in the 19th Century and Poland gaining territory in Prussia and Silesia. Perhaps most insulting was the Allied requirement that Poland has access to the task in 1940sea, creating a strip divided Germany into two. The predominately German-speaking city of Danzig became a free city. <ref>Roekmeke, ''Reassessment'', despite substantial effort and investmentPage 45.</ref>
The treaty required Germany to disarm. German troops were not allowed in the Rhineland, Germany's main industrial region that bordered France. Furthermore, the Reichswehr was limited to just 100,000 soldiers. The air force was banned from having combat aircraft, and the German navy lost most of its surface ships and all of its submarines. Tanks were forbidden. What had been arguably the strongest army in the world was humiliated for a second time. <ref>Sharp, Alan. <i>[ Reaction1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=033380077X&linkCode=as2&tag=dailyh0c-20&linkId=3c0f73cc4aacf358986394a403a79bed The Versailles Settlement]</i> (New York: Palgrave MacMillan, Second Edition, 2008. Page 132-133.</ref>
Naturally, Germany was less than thrilled about their situation. By November 1918 nary a square mile was under Allied occupation and Versailles hung heavily on the Kaiser's troops still occupied a substantial part of Belgium. German propaganda had been announcing for months that their soldiers were very close to victory through much of 1918consciousness immediately. And in many waysVarious political parties, especially on the emerging far-right, they had been. The shock of defeat coupled with desperately campaigned against the harsh terms proposed carved an indelible mark in the German psyche. This led to Furthermore, armed militias often called the famous "stab in Stahlhelm (Steel Helmets) organized across the back" theory that was so utilized country burnished by Hitler. The sight of American, British, French, Great War veterans and Belgian occupying the Rhineland pierced the brief calm after the fighting endedarmaments.[[File:Mass_demonstration_in_front_of_the_Reichstag_against_the_Treaty_of_Versailles.jpg|thumbnail|300px|Mass Demonstration against the Treaty of Versailles at This militia helped lead to further undermine the Reichstag in 1919.]] 
Furthermoreunstable Weimar government, Germany's acceptance already accused by many of Article 231, commonly referred to as the War Guilt Clause was for many the final straw. Germany had right to accept be born on the full responsibility for the war, including the actions of its alliesempire's corpse. This came with a heavy price. Across its territory, various portions were carved off or plebiscites prepared. Germany lost all A bizarre combination of its overseas colonies. France gained Alsace-Lorraine and its resources and industry lost in the Franco-Prussian War. France also occupied the Saarland, also rich in coal. Votes were held in other regions, new political party combined with Denmark regaining territory lost militias led to Prussia in the 19th Century and Poland gaining territory in both Prussia emerging Communist and Silesia. Perhaps most insulting was the Allied requirement that Poland have access to the sea, creating a strip that divided Germany in two. The predominately German-speaking city of Danzig became a free city. <ref>Roekmeke, ''Reassessment'', Page 45National Socialist conflict.</ref>
Germany's military was almost disarmed. German troops were not allowed in == Conclusion ==Rather than foster long-term peace and stability, the Rhineland, GermanyVersailles Treaty's main industrial region goal of handling Germany instead sparked movements that bordered France. Furthermore, the Reichswehr was limited to just 100,000 soldierswould lead directly into World War II. The air force was banned from having combat aircraft and National Socialist Party used widespread anger about Versailles with the German navy lost nearly all of its surface ships and all economic collapse of its submarines. Tanks were forbidden. What had been arguably the strongest army Great Depression to come to power in 1933. Six years later, the world was humiliated for a second again at war, this timefar more destructive and incorporating widespread genocide. <ref>Sharp, AlanThe inability for Wilson's ideals to come to widespread fruition led to further devolving situations in Eastern Europe and Asia also allowed for Soviet and Japanese expansionism. ''The Versailles Settleme (New York: Palgrave MacMillanFar from preventing another war, Second Editionin many ways, 2008. Page 132-133Versailles instead caused another one.</ref>
====Suggested Readings====* Michael S. Neiberg <i>[ The Treaty of Versailles hung heavily on the German consciousness immediately: A Concise History]</i> (New York: Oxford University Press, 2017)* Sharp, Alan. <i>[https://www. Various political parties, especially on the emerging far right desperately campaigned against the termsamazon. Furthermorecom/gp/product/033380077X/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=033380077X&linkCode=as2&tag=dailyh0c-20&linkId=3c0f73cc4aacf358986394a403a79bed The Versailles Settlement]</i> (New York: Palgrave MacMillan, armed militiasSecond Edition, often called the Stahlhelm (Steel Helmets2008) organized across the country burnished by Great War veterans * Graebner, Norman and armamentsBennett, Edward. <i>[ These militia helped lead to further undermine com/gp/product/1107647487/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=1107647487&linkCode=as2&tag=dailyh0c-20&linkId=c74d9defaf3a45523aa17dfc019a9d1c The Versailles Treaty and Its Legacy: The Failure of the unstable Weimar governmentWilsonian Vision]</i>, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011)* Roekmeke, Feldman, and Glaser, already accused by many on the right Editors. <i>[ The Treaty of being born on the corpse of the empire. Versailles: A bizarre combination of new political party combined with militias led to emerging Communist and National Socialist conflict.Reassessment after 75 Years]</i>, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997)
<div class="portal" style=Conclusion=="width:85%;">
Rather than foster long term peace and stability, ====Related Articles====*[[How did Vladimir Lenin Rise To Power?]]*[[Angels of the Versailles Treaty's main goal Underground: Interview with Theresa Kaminski]]*[[Causes of handling Germany instead sparked movements that would lead directly into World War II. The National Socialist, or Nazi, party would use widespread anger about Versailles with the economic collapse of the Great Depression to come to power in 1933. Six years later the world was again at war, this time far more destructive and incorporating widespread genocide. Top Ten Booklist]]*[[The inability for Wilson's ideals to come to widespread fruition led to further devolving situations in Eastern Europe and Asia also allowed for Soviet and Japanese expansionism. Far from preventing another war, in many ways Versailles instead caused another one.Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact- Stalin’s greatest mistake?]]</div>
[[Category:German History]] [[Category:Military History]][[Category:World War Two History]] [[Category:European History]] [[Category:European History]]
Updated December 2, 2020
<div class="portal" style="width:85%;">
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