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Were Members of the Underground Railroad Criminals

5 bytes added, 05:36, 28 September 2021
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==== Utilitarian Justice ====
[[File:Thomas_Paine1792.jpg|thumbnail|250px|left|Thomas Paine, circa 1792.]]
No person is ever entirely independent from fellow human beings, thus it can be concluded that the actions of one man potentially affect the actions of many. As mankind is interdependent, the oppressed African-American, either directly or indirectly, changes the course of his society’s history. While the slave suffers, so too does the free man who does nothing, as he unwittingly alters his circumstances by his own inaction. For, it is true that the “grand sources…of human suffering are in a great degree, many of them almost entirely, conquerable by human care and effort”<ref>Mill, ''Utilitarianism,'' 13.</ref>

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