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How did modern boxing emerge

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Early Development
==Early Development==
The earliest records of boxing emerge in the ancient Near East, where ancient reliefs from the 3rd to 2nd millennium BCE show boxers fighting and possibly wearing gloves. Ancient Egypt also has depictions of what appear to be boxers. We don't know the reasoning behind these early contests but most likely they were public activities watched by townspeople. <ref>For more on the origins of boxing, see: Rodriguez, Robert G., and George Kimball. 2009. The Regulation of Boxing: A History and Comparative Analysis of Policies among American States. Jefferson, N.C: McFarland, pg. 23.</ref>
More records of boxing are found in ancient Mycenaean and Minoan periods in Greece, in the 2nd millennium BCE. In the ancient Greek city-states, boxing began to emerge as a formal sport that had rules, standardized equipment, and was part of the ancient Olympic games. The <i> Iliad </i> mentions a boxing fight that was a prizefight with crowds during a funeral being held. However, it is not clear that this was typical. The sport may have emerged as a way for men to prepare themselves for combat and prove their ability to fight. <ref>For more on how boxing emerged in the ancient Greek world, see: Newby, Zahra. 2006. Athletics in the Ancient World. Classical World Series. Bristol: Bristol Classical, pg. 197.</ref> In the ancient Olympics, there are champions we know of and some of the rules are known to us. For instance, boxers could not hold each other, a person wins if the other was knocked out or gave up, and there appears to be no rounds. Boxers also had certain equipment, such as straps and gloves similar to those used today (Figure 1).
[[File:Thermae boxer Massimo Inv1055.jpg|thumbnail|Figure 1. A Greek boxer from 300-200 BCE.]]
In the Medieval period in Europe, boxing seems to have been less pursued as a sport. There are records of occasional boxing matches or fights but these seem less regulated and less related to contests. By the 16th century, however, boxing once again became of interest in Europe. <ref>For more on the rise of boxing in Europe, see: Boddy, Kasia. 2009. Boxing: A Cultural History. First paperback pr. London: Reaktion.</ref> In particular, swords became less commonly used in day-to-day, giving a reason for other contests, such as those utilizing the fists, to develop. By 1681 in London, where England is arguably the birthplace of prizefighting, documented fights began to be recorded as formal contests. In 1719, the term "boxing" was formally used to describe the emerging sport. The first formal written rules were established by 1743. Boxing now had an umpire, a set rule for a knockout or how a match was to be won, and rules about where boxers could not hit and when they could not hit, such as when the opponent was down a second blow could not be given. These so-called Broughton rules, named after an early champion who formalized the rules, were mostly concerned about safety, as deaths began to occur in this emerging sport. <ref>For more on early rules regulating boxing, see: </ref> Similar to how other sports developed, safety began to create the parameters in which the sport took its form. This renewed interest may have stemmed from interest in Classical sources as well as changes in customs that moved away from Medieval pursuits such as jousting and sword fights. In essence, the removal of these other activities gave space for boxing to emerge, particularly as developing nation-states in Europe became less inclined to have their citizens utilize weapons on a day-to-day basis.
==The Rise of Professional Boxing==

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