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How Did Honey Evolve in our Diet

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__NOTOC__[[File: Honey-main.jpg|thumbnail|left|250px|Honey]]Honey is probably one of the most ancient sweeteners known to us and used by humans. Additionally, it was probably perhaps consumed not only by us <i>Homo sapiens sapiens</i> humans but also Neanderthals (<i>Homo sapiens neanderthalensis</i>). In fact, very honey likely honey played a role in the evolution of the human desire and taste for sweet food products. Honey has played an important essential role not only in food consumption but also in and medicine and even embalming in burial. Its prevalence in the New and Old Worlds have also made it widespread in use even in early prehistoric periods.
==Early Use==
The earliest evidence for the use of honey comes from Spain (Figure 1), from about 8-9,0000 years ago. At about 5500 years ago, honey was found in burials in Georgia on ceramics, suggesting they were used as gifts in the afterlife. However, very likely, the use of honey goes back to a much earlier period. Neanderthals probably used honey as a food they gathered, and even our nearest relatives in the ape family are known to utilize honey. Scientists estimate that the evolution for sweet tastes developed in our ancestors at about 15 million years, long before even apes arose. It is postulated that honey could have been a critical factor in the evolution of desire for sweet foods that we have now inherited genetically.
The earliest evidence for the use of honey comes from Spain (Figure 1), at about 8-9,0000 years ago. At about 5500 years ago, honey was found in burials in Georgia, suggesting they were used as gifts in the afterlife. However, very likely the use of honey goes back much further. Neanderthals probably used honey as a food they gathered and even our nearest relatives in the ape family are known to utilize honey. Scientists estimate that the evolution for sweet tastes developed in our ancestors at about 15 million years, long before even apes arose. It is postulated that honey could have been a key factor in the evolution or desire for sweet foods that we have now inherited. The main reason is foods with fructose , where honey contains many monosaccharides, can be vital in periods when starvation is prevalent. It has high amounts of energy relative to the amount that one needs to consume to survive. In fact, the The association of honey as a food for fending off starvation has come down to use in stories in the Bible (e.g., such as John the Baptist eating honey and locusts) and Buddha retreating in the wilderness, where he ate honey brought by a monkey.<ref>For more on the earliest history of honey, see: Crane, E. (1999). <i>The world history of beekeeping and honey hunting.</i> New York: Routledge.</ref>
==Use in Historical Periods==
[[File:Cueva arana.jpeg|thumbnail|225px|left|Figure 1. One of the earliest depictions of honey collection from a cave in Spain.]]In the 3rd millennium BCE, both ancient Mesopotamia, in Sumer or modern southern Iraq, and Egypt show evidence of beekeeping having developed. Honey, at this point, was used as an offering for the worship of gods and for food consumption. Beeswax was also utilized for making lost wax products such as metals, candles, sealings, and even as a dental filling. The importance of beeswax and honey, in fact, led to the development of beekeeping as an important a vital profession already by the third millennium BCE. Beehives were kept in temples as well as by private beekeepers, who traded honey and beeswax. The Egyptians were known to make clay pots or for hives, suggesting by the 3rd millennium BCE that artificial hives were now made. The Hittite law codes mention fines given to those who would steel from beehives, indicating by the importance that beehives had to the economy not only for food but also for wax3rd millennium BCE.
Egyptian sources also indicate the Levant as a land of honey. The Egyptian hero Sinuhe indicates that beehives were being kept in the Levant in the 3rd millennium BCE. This depiction creation of the Levant as a "land of honey" may have later influenced references to the region in the Bible as a "land of milk hives also included mud and honey." Both in the Egyptian and Biblical references twigs placed together to honey denote prosperity in referencing honeyreplicate more natural-looking beehives. In war campaigns in the region by the Egyptians, they The Hittite law codes mention taking honey as tributefines given to those who would steal from beehives, indicating the importance of honey as a that beehives had to the economy not only for food product but alsofor wax.<ref>For more on early historical texts referencing honey and beekeeping, in Egyptsee Crane (1999) and: Kritsky, as something used in the embalming processG. (2015). This is also true <i>The Tears of Re: Beekeeping in other cultures that embalmed, such as in Georgia, which also used honey as part of the embalming process for the deadAncient Egypt. In fact</i> New York, honey jars have been found in Egyptian tombsNY: Oxford University Press.</ref>
In India, Egyptian sources also indicate the Vedas mention honey Levant as a spiritual product and reference its potential for healingland of honey. Marriage ceremonies The Egyptian hero Sinuhe indicates that beehives were often symbolized with honey being kept in the Levant in the 3rd millennium BCE. This depiction of the Levant as a way to ward evil from the marriage. The term "madhuland of honey" was used for honey and likely may have later influenced references to the region in the much later Anglo-Saxon term Bible as a "meduland of milk and honey." for Both in Egyptian and Biblical references to honey, which today has become mead, an alcoholic drink lands that uses can grow honeyare referenced as prosperous. Chinese texts from In war campaigns in the region by the Egyptians, they mention taking honey as tribute, indicating the 1st millennium BCE record beekeeping importance of honey as a food product and, in Egypt, as something used in the embalming process in burials. This is also an important activity true in other cultures that embalmed, such as in ancient ChinaGeorgia. In ancient Greece, bees were also vital for providing honey that Honey was not only consumed to sweeten food but also used as offerings sacrificed to the gods. In the New World, stingless honeybees were keptin death, where the Maya cultivated honey for use jars have been found in alcoholic drinks (similar to mead) as well as foodEgyptian tombs. In fact, bees for <ref>For more on the Maya were treat as pets and kept around the housesignificance of honey to ancient Near Eastern societies, likely because they did not stingsee: Dalby, although they could still biteA. (2003). We know from various <i>Food in the ancient culturesworld, honey has been used from A to treat stomach ailmentsZ.</i> London ; New York: Routledge, ulcers, and various skin burns and woundspg. 179.</ref>
In India, the Roman period, Vedas mention honey keeping was as a mass industry that spread throughout Europe, the Middle East, spiritual product and Africareference to its healing potential. Pliny mentions beekeeping in various parts of Marriage ceremonies were often symbolized with honey as a way to ward evil from the empire marriage. The term "madhu" was used for honey and large slabs would be used to collect likely influenced the much later Anglo-Saxon term "medu" for honey made by bees, where which today has become the term mead, an alcoholic drink that uses honey. Chinese texts from the 1st millennium BCE record beekeeping as also an important activity in ancient China. In ancient Greece, bees were also vital for providing honey that was then applied consumed to a variety of sweeten food products mostly and used as a sweetenerofferings to the gods.
In the Medieval New World, stingless honeybees were kept, where the Maya cultivated honey for use in alcoholic drinks (similar to mead) and food. Bees were treated as pets for the Maya and kept around the house, likely because they did not sting, although they could still bite. We know from various ancient cultures, honey has been used to treat stomach ailments, ulcers, and various skin burns and wounds.<ref>For more on reference in various ancient societies to beekeeping and records of use for honey, see: de Ruig, Ann. 2012. <i>The History of Man's Use of Honey.</i>Bloomington, Indiana.</ref> In the Roman period, honey keeping was a mass industry spread throughout Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Pliny mentions beekeeping in various parts of the empire, and artificial large slabs would be used to collect the honey made by bees, where the honey was then applied to a variety of food products, such as cakes, mainly as a sweetener.<ref>For more on the industry of honey in the Roman period, see: Carne 2009: 208</ref> <dh-ad/> In the medieval and early modern periods (Figure 2), honey continued to be cultivated for its healing and medicinal use as well as for sweetening food. Wax was just as important to Medieval Europe as honey collection, where candles were mostly made. This made beekeeping a very an important profession that allowed beekeepers and owners to develop substantial wealth relative to other professions. Wax was also used for seals and sealing documents, particularly official documents relaying important church business or royal edicts.<ref>For more on Medieval production of honey, see: Adamson, M. W. (2004). Food in medieval times. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, pg. 27.</ref>
==Modern Use==
[[File:Jan-van-der-Straet Bauerlicher-Bienenstand.png|thumbnail|left|255px|Figure 2. Scene of beehive collection for extracting honey from the 16th century.]]
In the 19th and 20th centuries, artificial honey and new forms of beehives were created to make production more suitable for mass markets. While artificial hives have been known since the 3rd millennium BCE, modern frame beehives began to develop in 1814. The idea was to make it easier to separate bees from the hives to collect honey more easily without killing bees or getting stung. Previously, smoke was used to drive bees away and then break artificial or natural hives, where the honey was then collected. Eventually, in 1852, the Langstroth hive was invented, which has become the modern way most natural honey is collected. This type of beehive developed from another form of frame developed by Johann Dzierzon. This innovation made us of the so-called "bee space," which was observed distance between each comb that was large enough to keep a comb from sticking together. Combs and bees were then separated within these units. Such innovation has made beekeeping less destructive, as many other methods often destroyed not only the hive but killed many of the bees, often making the process of honey production unsustainable for beekeepers.<ref>For more on the development of artificial beehives and modern development of them, see: Showler, K. (2011). <i>Essays in Beekeeping History.</i> Warwickshire, England: BeeCraft.</ref>
In The taste of honey can be refined based on the types of flowers bees use. Australia probably has some of the 19th and 20th century, artificial most unique honey and new forms in the world due to the continent having many types of beehives were created flowers that are unique to make production more suitable for mass marketsit. While artificial hives have been known since the 3rd millennium BCEArtificial honey has also become well established, modern frame hives found which was already occurring in beehives kept by modern beekeepers were invented in 1814. The idea ancient periods where flour was often added to make it easier create a form of artificial honey. This has led to separate bees from a variety of grades and quality standards being created today by different countries. In the hives United States, grades A-C are used to more easily collect reflect the quality of honeyproducts. PreviouslyFloral sources of honey are also used for classification, smoke was used including how many different flowers bees use to drive bees away create honey. After a period of decline in honey consumption in the mid 20th century, like sugar and then break artificial or natural hivessweeteners increasingly replaced honey as a sweetener, where honey has more recently reemerged as a product of greater interest and desire by consumers.<ref>For more on the quality of honey was then collected, see: Thacker, Emily. 2014. <i>The Honey Book</i>. James Direct, Incorporated. Hartville, Ohio. Eventually </ref>  However, despite renewed consumer interest in 1852honey, honeybees have begun to decline in various parts of the Langstroth hive was inventedworld. The scientific community does not have one clear answer for this decline. Possible reasons include pesticides and other chemicals killing honeybees or diminishing the number of offspring produced. While this decline threatens modern agriculture, which it has now become also affected the modern way in which most natural production of honey is collected, where the price of honey has rapidly increased over the last decade.<ref>For more on recent events surrounding the honeybee, see: Sammataro, D., & Yoder, J. (Eds.). (2012). <i>Honey Bee Colony Health: Challenges and Sustainable Solutions.</i> Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.</ref>
Honey is perhaps one of our oldest continuously used known food items that likely has its origin long before the rise of modern humans. The evolution of honey has even led to our development of sweet tastes that are often satisfied by sugar or artificial sweeteners today. Honey production was also nearly universal, even in the ancient world, where New and Old World varieties saw a different cultivation method, including the development of artificial beehives. Honey keeping, relative to other food products, changed very little until about the mid 19th century when artificial beehives developed into their more modern form that allowed the preservation of bees and easier harvesting of honey. Today, the rise of artificial honey has created more exacting standards of what constitutes real honey. After a period of decline when sugar replaced honey in many countries as a sweetener for products that were once sweetened by honey, such as cakes, more modern consumers are valuing honey for its perceived health and food value, leading to a reemergence of honey production worldwide. However, with the recent decline of the honeybee in many countries, this food item is now under renewed threat.
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